Hours and Days of Operation
Our Center is open Monday through Friday, year-round. We open at 6:30 a.m. and close promptly at 6:00 p.m.
Our philosophy incorporates open communication between staff and parents in a safe and stimulating environment that enriches the children through these important years.
Parental education is important, and we encourage you to ask questions regarding your child's activity, nutrition, growth, and development. The flexibility of the program is important, as the needs of children are constantly changing and developing. A positive and happy staff, a trusting relationship between caregiver and the child, clean and well-organized environment, room to play, indoors and outside, in a safe and stimulating home environment. To provide a nurturing environment where children can grow and develop physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially, children learn through their play and age-appropriate activities, toys, expectations, and materials shall be provided.
Consistency In Child Care
Consistent, dependable relationships are the foundation of children's secure attachment to adults. Stable and predictable relationships are essential to children in child care settings. Changing child care providers and environments too often are disruptive for a child. In Annandale Children's Learning Center children are in the same class/group with the same teacher/teachers as long as it is proper for their age. We try to build the sense of security and trust that leads to secure attachment.
Our staff are assigned to have primary responsibility for the children in their groups.
Each child is a part of a group. The groups are determined by the children's age.
Children in the transition stage (moving to an older group) will be introduced gradually to the new group.
Our Owner/Administrator, Sheila Ohi, has worked in the Fairfax County childcare community for over 30 years. Our teachers and aides are also dedicated, well-trained, educated, and experienced professionals whose qualifications exceed Virginia's requirements. All staff members are qualified and up to date in CPR and First Aid, as well as, Playground Safety and daily health observation. Every employee undergoes an in-house review of the background and all references, a criminal background check by the FBI, and a central registry check by the Virginia Department of Social Services.
All our staff has been trained in recognizing child abuse and neglect and the legal requirement for reporting suspected child abuse as required by 563.2-1509 of the Code of Virginia.
Our program is designed to offer a fun and enjoyable experience while providing developmentally appropriate challenges. Our lesson plans revolve around a weekly-monthly-seasonal theme. Every Monday a new weekly lesson plan will be on display outside the classrooms.
Your child will engage in exciting learning activities specifically designed to meet their developmental needs and help them advance to the next level. We focus on: instilling and extending language and vocabulary, developing fine and gross motor skills, fostering critical thinking, encouraging positive social interactions, as well as nurturing creativity and curiosity.
Good communication between our Center and our parents is essential. Our Director or her alternate is always available. Please feel free to ask questions, express concerns, leave messages, or discuss your child's progress. It is important that we work as a team for the benefit of your child. Check the bulletin board for daily announcements, reminders, and teachers' reports.
We will reach out to parents when persistent behavioral problems are identified.
Accident reports containing the date, time, injury, treatment, etc., for any bruises, cuts, etc., your child may incur must be signed by the Parent/Guardian or other authorized individual picking up your child in the afternoon.
Admission Policy
Children of all races, creeds, and nationalities are welcome. If there is a waiting list, we will add your name and call you as soon as an opening becomes available. We recommend one or both Parents/Guardians visit the Center with your child before he/she begins our program.
The Registration Form completed Contract, a completed Physical Examination form, Vaccination record, the completed Emergency sheet, and a completed Pick-Up Authorization must be turned in prior to enrollment.
Toys, Cell phones, Tablets, and any other devices
These are fully parents' responsibility. If your child decides to bring any of these devices to school at Annandale Children's Learning Center we'll take no responsibility in case of loss or damage.
A two-week written or typed notice must be given prior to withdrawing any child/children for any reason. If the child/children do not attend during this two-week period, parents will still be charged for this timeframe. A $5 per day late fee will be added until the amount owed is paid in full. Once a child has been withdrawn, a new registration fee must be paid and a new contract must be signed in order to re-enroll a child/children.
A child may be dropped from enrollment without prior notice if the Center makes the determination that this action is in the best interest of the child or the Center. Behavior that may cause removal from enrollment includes, but is not limited to the following: acts or threats of physical violence, behavioral issues that threaten the safety of staff or other students, unresolved differences with a parent, repeated late pick-ups, or non-payment of fees. Every effort will be made to resolve any conflicts that arise. The Director is responsible for making the final determination regarding removal from enrollment.
Parents/Guardians are responsible to pay all court costs, attorney(s) fees, and any other legal expense incurred by AmeriKids, LLC, t/a Annandale Children's Learning Center (ACLC) in the process of collecting any money due under the terms and conditions of this contract.
Arrivals and Departures
Parents/Guardians are required to park their car in a parking space, walk child/children into the Center, and sign child/children in (indicating time of arrival). No child is to walk in unescorted. Please do not block the entrance to the Center. Note: As a safety precaution, we do not release children directly from the playground.
Parents/Guardians shall notify the Center of a student's absence and/or change in schedule. Any child not arriving by 10:30 a.m. will be considered absent unless we receive a call by 10:30 a.m. advising that the child will be in late. Each child's departure must be documented on our daily "sign out" sheet by a person authorized by the parents on the "Pick Up" form.
We do not accept any arrivals during children's naptime. It would be unfair to other children to make any disturbances.
Things to bring on the first day (and to be replaced as needed):
All items should be properly labeled with your child's first and last name. ACLC will provide crib size sheets for each child. The sheets will be washed and sanitized every week.
Food Policy
A nutritious breakfast, mid-morning snack, lunch, and mid-afternoon snacks are provided. A complete menu will be posted Monthly. Parents may bring in separate snacks or lunches, as desired. The Center will provide the children with fat-free milk, juice, fruit, snack, and water.
Children in our before-and-after school program/summer camp will be offered nutritious snacks as well. Please ask if you would like additional information in this regard. Please notify the center of any food allergies or other food restrictions in writing. A Physician's note is required as well as an allergy plan from a physician. It is our requirement, that all children with food allergies, food intolerance, and food sensitivity bring their own food. Please do not bring food/snack containing any kind of nuts.
Nap Time
Children are going to take a nap every day after lunchtime and we are asking parents to bring blankets and sheets for their children.
Note: Parents/Guardians, please keep your children home when they: (1) are running a fever over 1000, (2) have a rash (without a Dr.'s written explanation), (3) are experiencing flu-like symptoms, (4)have diarrhea, (5) have pink eye (conjunctivitis) or any other condition which might be spread to the other children.
We will notify you as soon as we become aware that your child is ill. Your child will be considered ill if he/she has a fever (over 100 0 ); recurrent vomiting or diarrhea; or any communicable disease, or if the child is listless/lethargic and unable to participate. An ill child must be picked up by the Parents/Guardians or another authorized individual within one hour of notification by the Center. This requirement is to prevent the spread of contagious viruses and infections. For this purpose, it is required that all Parents/Guardians update their "Emergency Information" sheet every 6 months, as well as every time a phone number, address, or emergency contact changes.
Children with vomiting, having diarrhea, or having a fever over 1000, may return to school 24 hours after all the symptoms mentioned above have been gone without any medication.
The Parents/Guardians will inform the Center within 24 hours or the next business day after a child or any member of the immediate household has developed any reportable communicable disease, as defined by the State Board of Health, except for life-threatening diseases which must be reported immediately.
In the case of Pediculosis (Head Lice), children will be excluded from the Center until there is a Dr's written explanation of treatment and Dr's notice that the child is not contagious and may return to school.
Due to a change in state standards, no medications (over-the-counter or prescription) will be given. Parents/Guardians are welcome to administer medications during the day prior to 12:30 p.m. and after 2:30 p.m. A staff member must be present when the Parents/Guardians dispense the medication and the staff member must initial the entry after the Parent/Guardian signs a logbook which documents the time that the medication was given, the name of the medication, the quantity, the name of the child who received the medication and the name of the parent who dispensed the medication.
We do not apply sunscreen, insect repellant, powder or ointments, etc. We ask the parents to apply 24-hour sunscreen/ insect repellent before bringing in the child. Diaper lotion can be applied as needed; however, Parental Permission is required. In case of a diaper lotion that is needed longer than 10 days, Parental Permission and Physician's Permission are required.
Parents shall provide documentation that their child has received the immunizations required by the Virginia State Board of Health before the child can attend the center. Parents shall provide documentation of additional immunizations once every six months for children under the age of two years and once between each child's fourth and sixth birthdays.
School Closings
Annandale Children's Learning Center (ACLC) will be closed to honor the following days/holidays ( *federal):
For closings due to weather and hazardous conditions (i.e., snow, ice, flood, hurricane, tornado, chemical spills, etc.), we follow the schedule for the Federal Government. If the Federal government is on liberal leave, we will still make every attempt to open. However, please call our office (703.256.4770) before leaving home to make sure the Center is open.
Note: We will close if any circumstance or condition develops which might pose a threat to the health and/or well-being of the children attending the Center and to our staff. More specific information as to emergency evacuation procedures is available upon request.
If inclement weather progresses throughout the day or, if road conditions begin to deteriorate, please plan to leave work early so you and your child and members of our staff can reach home before it becomes too dangerous to travel. A staff member will contact you if it becomes necessary to close the Center early.
When the federal government is closed or closes early, we also are closed or will close early.
Transportation Policy
FCPS now provides transportation to Annandale Children's Learning Center from your child's school. Annandale Children's Learning Center no longer provides morning and afternoon transportation for school-aged children.
Mason Crest Elementary School has a bus stop just outside our center. Changes can occur depending on the enrollment of school children.
Divorce Disputes/Child Custody
Annandale Children's Learning Center will remain neutral in any and all divorce/custody situations.
Neither Annandale Children's Learning Center (ACLC) nor its employees are responsible for resolving questions or disputes between estranged parents regarding the custody of any child in our care. Unless a court order to the contrary is provided, a child will be released only to the Parents/Guardians or persons whom they have authorized.