Learning Through play and creative activities:
- Color concepts - recognize basic colors
- Shapes - 7 basic shapes
- Sizes β big/small, short/tall, wide/narrow
- Numbers β counting from 1 to 10
- Age Concepts β can answer how old they are
- Volume Concepts β empty/full
- Positional Concepts β in/out, over/under, top/bottom, front/back
- Alphabetic Concepts β knows ABCβs
- Difference/Likeness β recognition in simple objects
- Expression through songs, fingerplays, nursery rhymes, and stories
- One step directions
- Age-appropriate puzzles
- Can march, run, hop, clap, and crawl (gross motor)
- Can imitate simple body movements
- Can use pencil, brush, and child-size scissors (fine motor)
- Can stack books, or other stacking toys
- Painting, pasting, coloring, etc., by using different media
- Family members, teachers, classmates, etc.
- Self, using own name
- Can speak in sentences
- Fruits and vegetables
- Names of clothing and basic body parts
- Manners β please/thank you, excuse me
- Share & take turns
- Follow simple directions
- Playing in groups (ring around the roses, etc.)