📢 1-WEEK FREE after 3 weeks of enrollment plus 10% OFF for siblings!

Program For Infants & Toddlers

Infants and toddlers room, daily experiences focus on developmental domains or on practice of a specific skill and are prepared around spontaneous activities that are likely to occur in the context of daily care and routines.

The developmental domains that are the essential building blocks for infants and toddlers are:

Language development — connecting with the world

  • The sounds of language — awareness of sounds
  • Vocabulary

Social/Emotional development — becoming a social being

  • Building a sense of self
  • Developing trust
  • Developing impulse control
  • Enhancing social interaction
  • Developing humor

Physical development— Moving and exploring

  • Fine motor
  • Gross motor

Cognitive development — Making sense of the world

  • Understanding cause—and—effect relationships
  • Problem-solving
  • Curiosity
  • Creativity

Infant Safe Policy

The purpose of Safe Sleep Policy is to maintain a safe sleep environment that reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). It is the sudden, unexpected death of an infant under one years of age which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation.
  1. All child care staff working in the infant room, or child care staff who may potentially work in this room, will receive training on our infant safe sleep policy.
  2. Infants will always be placed on their backs to sleep.
  3. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies are placed on their backs to sleep; but babies can easily turn over from back to the stomach, they can be allowed to adopt whatever position they prefer to sleep. We will follow this recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
  4. Sleeping infants will be checked constantly by staff.
  5. Steps will be taken to keep babies from becoming too warm or overheated by regulating the room temperature and by not over—dressing the baby.
  6. Room temperature will be kept between 68 - 74 0 F.
  7. We are a "blanket-free" infant room, and will not use blankets in cribs. If a parent wishes to provide a "sleep sack" for their baby, they may. The sleep sack will be sent home each week for laundering by the parent. (If it is necessary we will send it home more often).
  8.  No pillows, comforters, bumper pads, etc. will be used in cribs.
  9. No toys or stuffed animals will be used in cribs.
  10. Pacifiers may be used in cribs.
  11. A safety—approved crib with a firm mattress and tight—fitting sheet will be used.
  12. Only one infant will be in a crib at a time unless we are evacuating infants in an emergency.