πŸ“’ 1-WEEK FREE after 3 weeks of enrollment plus 10% OFF for siblings!

Educational Program for 4 & 5 Yr. Olds

Learning through play and creative activities:

  • Verbal skills β€” able to express thoughts and ideas, tell stories, etc.
  • Color concepts β€” review colors and recognize color words
  • Shapes
  • Sizes β€” can compare objects - big/small, short, tall, wide, narrow
  • Numbers β€” Counting from 1 β€” 50 (5's until 100), recognizing numbers on the flashcards
  • Simple addition/subtraction
  • Age concepts β€” understand own and friend's age, youngest/oldest
  • Volume Concepts β€” Empty/full, more/less, deep/shallow, thin/thick etc.
  • Positional concepts β€” in/out, over/under, top/bottom, front/back, first/last, before/after, above/below etc.
  • Alphabetic concepts β€” Knows ABC's β€” can recognize upper and case letters β€” can identify letters out of sequence
  • Rhyming β€” can identify rhyming words/ can create rhyming words (depending on their age)
  • Writing β€” first and last name, numbers, upper/lower case letters, and number 1-10 (5 years old)
  • Time concepts β€” day/night, today/yesterday/tomorrow, this week/next week/last week
  • Initial consonant sounds β€” for those children who know alphabetic concepts


  • Expression through songs, finger play, nursery rhymes, stories, and dance
  • Three or four-step directions
  • More complex puzzles
  • Marching, running, hopping, jumping, skipping, walking in straight lines, and pouring without spilling.
  • Can use pencil, brush & child size scissors


  • Painting, pasting, coloring, cutting (under close supervision) etc. by using different media


  • Family members, teachers, and classmates, etc
  • Recalling objects removed from sight (visual memory)
  • Fruits, vegetables, animals, food, dental care, and exercise
  • Names of clothing and basic body parts
  • Learn simple life cycles β€” plants, frogs, butterflies, seeds to plants, egg to chicken, etc.


  • Manners β€” please/thank you, excuse me, may I
  • Share & take turns
  • Friendship β€” how to be a good friend
  • Follow directions/ class rules
  • Playing in groups
  • Cleaning up